Hi! It's been a while!
I actually have nothing to tell right now, but I keep typing. These fingers, they keep typing. Seriously, they won't stop. What should I type?
I just went from scrolling my blog, tumblr, path, and instagram. Then I figured out that I'm quite... absurd. Like on random things, doing random things. What I've been thinking actually?
I don't know since when it was, but, I feel I've changed now. People usually knew me as a calm and good girl. Well, I am now, but maybe just a little bit crazier. Part I don't like is when I talk too much. Seriously, I hate that I swear because it leave a bad after-taste. I feel bad in the end, after talking too much. I feel stupid like, 'what the hell am I talking about? So stupid'. So the conclusion is, I don't fit with talking too much and deal with over-think people. Because I am over-thinker too. It's a mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I like it every time I talk too much to Ai. Because he never complain. Hahahaha.
Part I like is, sometimes I easily don't care. Sometimes. It's better than not at all. I can be in that mood. Don't-give-sh*t mood. But lately the over-think always win and I can't well control it. I hate that.
Why do I hate over-think?
It's simply because of mind does matter. I don't wanna controlled by negative thoughts. It's exhausting and a mess. Because what I think can be come true. I think I have to manage that kind of thinking. Again. And again. And again. Because though I tell my self to be positive, I can't completely delete the negative.
I think I should not tell my self to be positive. Maybe I should just...
Come what may
Whatever will be, will be
Fight and have faith
Wait, what just these fingers done?
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