December 08, 2014

Grow Up is A Trap

When I was a kid, I thought being an adult is a cool thing. But then now I know it's a trap.

There's so many things to handle. So many things to choose, right and carefully. The options are confusing too. Even risky.

People become sucks. They have ulterior motives. They take anything for granted. Make me feel wrong when doing the right thing, or right when doing the wrong thing. What kind of society is it?

Though I know growing up is a trap, it doesn't change anything if I stay act like a kid. No. Nothing changed. I still have to choose between many risky-confusing things which I don't only think about myself but everyone close to me.

The point is, why in my life do I always face the hard-risky-confusing choices? It's never be a bad or a good one
It'll be easier

I always have a fairytale inside my head. Thinking about there will be someone who actually always behind me to keep eyes on me, and someday when no one can help me, will lend me a hand.

But this life is not a fairytale. Or a movie. Or a Korean drama.

Sucks isn't it?

Don't I deserve that kind of help?
Don't I?

Should I take aside my fairytale or even never think about it anymore?

Sometimes it's sad to think, I wanna live the life I wanted, when I have to tolerance other's. Yeah, it's sad.

Someone ever tell me that he hates to read an English like I write too much. I think he's true. It's lazy to read it that much. Are you?

Well, I think he will never read this by the way